Shipping Reference

  • Due to a lot of mixed items in an order which made the shipping fee fluctuates a lot, shipping will be charged on a separate paypal invoice. This will help to ensure that you will only be charged the correct amount of fee.

    After the drop, I will recap your order and calculate the shipping fee. Then, I will send a confirmation email with a link to the shipping invoice. I will ship the order after you finished the shipping payment, during my regular shipping batch on the weekend.

    You can check some of the examples and estimates range below. These estimates are based from my previous orders shipping to US. If you’re from other country, shipping fee might be lower/higher (usually around 5-10USD range). Also note that the actual price might change depending on my postal service.

    As for the estimated arrival time, some packages might get delayed/held for various reasons (lack of address, wrong phone number, no recipient on delivery day, peak season, etc). Do let me know if there are any issue during shipping.

    All being said, please ensure that all your shipping info is correct. That will help smooth out all the processes afterward.

  • Small packages usually consists of a few (less than 5) small items, such as collectible card packs, stickers, or pins. Note that if you purchase a lot (10 or more) the fee might increase.

    Based on my experience with previous orders, the range is 15-25USD, with 10-14 business days estimated arrival time.

  • Medium packages usually consists of items, such as 1 booster box, medium prints, or a mix of prints and small items. Note that if you purchase a lot (10 or more) the fee might increase.

    Based on my experience with previous orders, the range is 25-35USD, with 10-14 business days estimated arrival time.

    *If you only order booster boxes, the shipping fee is fixed at 35USD (to US).

  • Large packages usually consists of items, such as multiple booster box, a few large prints, or a mix of prints and booster boxes. Note that if you purchase a lot (10 or more) the fee might increase.

    Based on my experience with previous orders, the fee starts from 35-40 USD**, with 10-14 business days estimated arrival time.

    **shipping can go upwards 100-200USD on some specific cases. It’s best to consult me before putting orders if you’re going to do a bulk purchase (more than 50 items).

  • This list is based from my experience shipping to these countries over the last couple years. If your country isn’t on this list, you can ask me if I can ship to that country. Note that some countries might put some restrictions/conditions to ship there.

    • United States

    • Canada

    • Great Britain/UK

    • Australia

    • ASEAN countries

    • Hongkong

    • Japan

    • Germany

    • France

    • Italy

    • Sweden

    • Finland

    • Switzerland

    • Netherland

    To put it simply and roughly, I can ship to most part of NA, Oceania, Asia, and Europe. I’ve only shipped once or twice to Africa and Latin America, so if you’re from that region, please consult me first before putting an order.